Yes! Wind Power for Cohocton consists of the following upstanding citizens of
Yes! Wind Power for Cohocton consists of the following upstanding citizens of
the Town of Cohocton.
Gene & Pat Drum, Ron & Jane Towner, Allison & Vince Heist, Hal & Judy Graham, Gerald & Dorothy Moore, Eileen Schneider, John Meyer, Dave Simolo, Chris Coleman, Ron & Linda Moody, Dave & Pat Harrold, Diane Zeh, Wayne Hunt, Mark Densmore, Doug & Sue Schwingel, George Buss, Evelyn Buss, Onlee Zeh, Matt Dusenbery, Mike & Lois Gordon, Tim & Ann Smith, Roger Wolcott, Paul Wolcott and numerous others who have asked not to have their names printed due to the harassment and retaliation from the Cohocton Wind Watch opposition group.
Gene & Pat Drum, Ron & Jane Towner, Allison & Vince Heist, Hal & Judy Graham, Gerald & Dorothy Moore, Eileen Schneider, John Meyer, Dave Simolo, Chris Coleman, Ron & Linda Moody, Dave & Pat Harrold, Diane Zeh, Wayne Hunt, Mark Densmore, Doug & Sue Schwingel, George Buss, Evelyn Buss, Onlee Zeh, Matt Dusenbery, Mike & Lois Gordon, Tim & Ann Smith, Roger Wolcott, Paul Wolcott and numerous others who have asked not to have their names printed due to the harassment and retaliation from the Cohocton Wind Watch opposition group.
We are constantly receiving emails, letters, phone calls, etc of support for our efforts and encouragement to pursue this great project of Wind Power for Cohocton.
Many of our group are life-long residents of Cohocton, many are people who have moved into the area and have become community minded members of Cohocton, not just people who occasionally buy gas or groceries from our merchants, but people who roll up their sleeves and volunteer their time and efforts to make our community better.
These people would never consider suing their neighbors or not speaking to friends over a difference of opinion, nor would they disrespect the elected and appointed officials of our community.
We hope as you are reviewing the Wind Turbine Project for Cohocton, you will be considerate of our public officials and respect them for the hard work and endless concern they have for our community.
CWW and Concerned Residents of Cohocton Consists of Upstanding Citizens of the Town of Cohocton
There are numerous people in the town of Cohocton that have contacted members of CWW and have asked not to have their names spoken for fear of harassment and retaliation from Yes! opposition group.
Not a day goes by that one of us, whether in CWW or just a concerned citizen doesn't receive emails, letters or phone calls supporting our efforts to get the scientific and health and safety information out to them.
As Yes!, many of our group are life-long residents of Cohocton, many are people who have moved into our area and have become community minded members of Cohocton. We do not feel that the people of Cohoton who occasionally buy gas or groceries from our merchants to be any less valuable to our community. Without them spending money in our town the price of those groceries would be much higher. Some of those residents may not visibly be seen rolling up their sleeves and volunteering their time and efforts to make our community better as what is stated by Yes!, but are behind the scenes being productive citizens of Cohocton. Yes! wants you to be visible painting and planting flowers to make the community better, they don't see the importance of all citizens duties to make the community better. Some in our community have life and practical intelligence, they have a stake in where they live and stand in this town.
Yes! and UPC have their hand in one pocket taking our rights to our land and property away from us by stating that the leaseholders have the right to do what they want with their property, yet at the same time taking away from the ajoining property owner. This is unexceptable, our land is our land as much as it is the leaseholders. The other pocket has a hand in by NYSEG who will be taking more to pay the higher price for this so called free wind.
Scenic beauty indown town Cohocton seems to be more important to YES! than the scenic beauty outside the village, this is very sad, roll up your sleeves or should I say eyes and see that scenic beauty is more than paint and flowers around town.
YES! has you believe that they would NEVER consider suing their neighbors or not speak to friends over a difference of opinion, nor would they disrespect the elected and appointed officials of their community. Never is a very strong word, if they were honest with themselves they would not have used the word NEVER, the spark for their never just hasn't come yet, or maybe it has come and gone and they just aren't being honest withselves or you.
One last thing, RESPECT, respect is earned, it isn't given freely. YES! wants you to respect our public officials for their endless hard work and concern. I would have RESPECT for our public officials if they were to put this wind project up for moratorium. This way concerned citizens of Cohocton would feel that the officials were looking out for all issues of this project, that the health and safety and all the other conerns put before them have been answered.
RESPECT would be given if I had something in writing stating that my property is off the DEIS and map as a leaseholder that UPC put together. For Chris Swartley to verbally tell me is NOT good enough.
Bonnie Palmiter
Anonymous, at 8:01 AM
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